
Henty Dunes, 01.05.2018

I stood facing an enormous mound of sand.

“Last one up’s a rotten egg!” Jack shouted.
I clambered up the sand wall, my feet slipping with each step I took, the young ones seemed to be flying up the hill while I dragged behind wondering if my limbs would be able to move at all in the morning. “I don’t want to be a rotten egg!” I pulled on Laura’s hoodie but she shrugged me off and left me stuck like a frog on a sandbank. I began crawling like a lizard, still struggling behind the group! Just Sauki and Sunny behind me!

I could see the top. When I signed up to this tour, I didn’t realise it would involve extensive military training!!
Eventually I pulled myself up onto the top. A desert oasis was before me- a plain of sand with just a few branches poking up in the distance.
Jack drew a line in the sand and made us all hold hands facing the edge of the sandbank. We couldn’t see anything beneath it. Stand on the line, run and jump.
“Ha!” I laughed.
Oh wait! He was being serious. But...won’t we die?
“Just trust me!” He said. So we did.
One, two, three... we all ran towards the edge of the bank and jumped/felldown landing softly into the sand below.
I checked around me to see if I was dead and in heaven. I wasn’t any skinnier or eating a trough of ice cream and chocolate so I assumed I had survived the jump.

Let’s do it again!

We jumped a few more times before going to play in the sand. We did handstands and jumping photos before returning to the dune. Laura and Michael had found a piece of plastic that they could use as a sled. They climbed to the top of the bank across from us and we all waited anxiously as they set themselves up for the sled.
We counted them in and then whoosh! They moved about one meter before the sled came to a complete halt. They tried to shuffle and slide but they mainly just fell to the side into the sand. Finally, Michael tried it alone on his stomach, he moved as slowly as a slug but still, he was moving!

“Yay!” We all cheered from the top as he eventually hit the bottom.
We stayed a while longer jumping off the dune and started to watch as the sun began to set. Unfortunately, we had to get back which meant running down the vertical slope of the dune and trying not to fall head first into the concrete road!



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